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2022 Winter Substitute Korean Class for Graduate Degree

Writer 권보영 / [언어교육원] Date 2022-11-24 게시종료일 2022-12-08 15:01 Hit 4165

2022학년도 겨울학기 대학원 학위청구 외국어시험 대체강좌(한국어) 수강생을 아래와 같이 모집합니다.

1. Qualifications to Apply : Graduate Students ※ Foreign students only

2. Course Application

  가. Application period : 2022. 12. 5.(Mon) ~ 2022. 12. 15.(Thu)

  나. How to Apply : Language Education Institute website

3. Course Schedule

  가. Class Period : 2022. 12. 26.(Mon) ~ 2023. 2. 1.(Wed) (5weeks)

  나. Class time : [Mon, Wed, Fri] 18:30 ∼ 21:30(three hours a day) / (48 hours)

4. Qualifications for Korean Course : Applicants who submit Korean language certification (TOPIK) or pass interviews

       ※ Please check attachment. If you don't have any certification, you can take interview on December 16(Fri)

5. Standards of Pass

  가. Students who attended at least 2/3 of total class days

  나. Attendance(20%), assignments(30%), and exams(50%) with a total score of 70 or more

※ Please check attached file 2022학년도 겨울학기 대학원 학위청구 외국어시험 대체강좌(한국어) 수강생 모집 1부

※ Contact : 051-510-3305 Boyoung Kwon